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Learn the 10 insights of a meaningful life

Guidance ⧫︎ Insight ⧫︎ Companionship
for spiritual seekers
Free Listening Program

Find Your Path

Find Your Purpose

Find Your People

Learn the 10 insights of a meaningful life

Guidance ⧫︎ Insight ⧫︎ Companionship
for spiritual seekers
Free Listening Program

Find Your Path

Find Your Purpose

Find Your People

What are you missing because life is so busy and distracting?


Measuring our worth by our work
Living in a constant
state of stress
Comparing our happiness
to social media
Alienation from
our neighbors
Loneliness and
from the planet

But it doesn’t have to be this way


Join the Learning Community

I understand what it is like to feel weary and dissatisfied

For the last 25 years, I have devoted myself to in-depth spiritual practice and study. And I am here to help.

  • 15 years as a Unitarian Universalist minister, spiritual director, and retreat leader
  • 6 years as a resident in a Buddhist temple, including scores of silent meditation retreats
  • Graduate of the Harvard Divinity School and the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
  • Creator of a spiritual discernment program based on the 10 most important spiritual insights necessary for a meaningful life

"Ian is one of three people who have significantly altered the direction of my life and the contours of my heart.

Ian helped me realize that I am a seeker and that I cannot seek alone...Ian is a community builder if I’ve ever known one. He is the opposite of the sterile and removed teacher who prepares his safe speech behind closed doors. We get the sense that he is on a journey with us.

— Mary Cinadr

Join the Learning Community

The Inward Journey was created with the generous support of the

First Unitarian Church of
Salt Lake City.


We believe…

All beings have inherent worth and dignity. No one has to earn this. We live with an abiding belief that each being (including ourselves) deserves respect simply for being alive. This is foundational to how we relate to one another.

We are all connected. Our lives exist within an interwoven reality that denies the possibility of separation at any level. This means we do not believe certain people will be spiritually chosen while others are left behind. We all share a common destiny.

Justice is essential to any spiritual path. Spiritual bypassing or the use of spiritual language or teachings that avoid, undermine, or discount the very real oppression and abuse in this world is bad theology. Spiritual freedom is achieved when we are all free.

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